Description String Industry
Military payroll (federal OR government OR military OR navy OR "air force" OR "armed force") AND Payroll AND ("FPPS" OR "Federal Payroll Processing System" OR "EPIC" OR "EPIC HCUP" OR "WebTA" OR "OPF" OR "Official Personnel Folder" OR "Human Capital Management System") Military
Finding military members (Military OR Veteran OR Vet OR VFW OR DAV OR "Veterans of Foreign Wars" OR "Disabled American Veterans" OR Army OR USArmy OR "Air Force" OR USAF OR "U.S.A.F." OR Navy OR USN OR "U.S.N" OR Marine OR Marines OR "Marine Corps" OR "Marine Corp" OR USMC OR U.S.M.C OR "Coast Guard" OR USCG OR “U.S.C.G.” OR "National Guard" OR "Army reserve" OR "Army reserves" OR "Air Force Reserve" OR USAFR OR “U.S.A.F.R.” OR "Air Force Reserves" OR “AirForce Reserve” OR “AirForce Reserves” OR USNR OR "U.S.N.R." OR “Naval Reserves” OR “Naval Reserve” OR “Navy Reserves” OR “Navy Reserve” OR "Marine Reserve" OR "Marine Reserves" OR USMCR OR “U.S.M.C.R.” OR "Coast Guard Reserves" OR "Coast Guard Reserve" OR USCGR OR "U.S.C.G.R.") –“old navy” -salvation -credit Military